The Future of Abortion Care, sponsored by the MIdwest Access Project

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Please join the Midwest Access Project and their host The Mayer & Morris Kaplan Family Foundation for this important in-person program:  The Future of Abortion Care: Filling the Gaps — Training Providers in Reproductive Health featuring MAP co-founder and board member Lorie Chaiten, JD.

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Access to abortion care in the United States is facing extreme challenges. The harms caused by state abortion bans have been aggravated by the Supreme Court’s refusal to block them. In December the Court heard a case to consider overruling Roe v. Wade. Please join Midwest Access Project for a discussion about the future of abortion care in the United States and why access to clinical training for providers matters now more than ever before.

Lorie Chaiten is a Senior Staff Attorney at the Reproductive Freedom Project of the national American Civil Liberties Union who has been involved in the challenge to the Texas abortion ban known as SB8 and in fighting numerous other restrictive laws and policies in an effort to secure and expand access to abortion care.


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