“Fannie Lou Hamer’s America” Documentary screening and Q & A

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Please join Illinois NOW for this special presentation of FANNIE LOU HAMER’S AMERICA, an exciting new documentary, and  featuring a Q & A with Monica Land, the movie’s producer, and Joy Davenport, its director.

It’s a free, online event.  Click here to register on EventBrite.

Fannie Lou Hamer was a leader in the civil rights movement, founder of the Freedom Democratic Party in Mississippi, and the organizer of Freedom Summer, a volunteer-based campaign launched in the summer of 1964 in order to register as many Black voters in Mississippi as possible.

FANNIE LOU HAMER’S AMERICA, a documentary produced by her grand-niece Monica Land, is a portrait of a civil rights activist and the injustices in America that made her work essential. Through public speeches, personal interviews, and powerful songs of the fearless Mississippi sharecropper-turned-human-rights-activist, Fannie Lou Hamer’s America explores and celebrates the lesser-known life of one of the Civil Rights Movement’s greatest leaders.



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