NOW North/Northwest Suburban Chicago Chapter – Home page2024-08-27T16:26:06-05:00


January 27th is ERA Day!

By |January 13, 2022|Categories: Legislation, News|

ACTION ALERT: Sign the Petition and Rally with NOW on 1/27 ERA Day NOW is the time to write women into the Constitution. The ERA has met all of the requirements set forth in Article V of the Constitution but has not yet been published by the U.S. Archivist, David Ferriero. A memo issued by the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) under the Trump-Barr Department of Justice is currently blocking the Archivist from doing this. NOW, alongside the ERA Coalition and 51 other partners filed an amicus brief in the Court of Appeals to force the Archivist to publish the ERA now. For almost 50 years, we have been fighting to ratify this amendment and we must continue applying pressure to make sure our rights are enshrined in our Constitution. Take action NOW...  


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